

大学图书馆 放大的背景

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图书馆 Exterior and Inside the 图书馆


Bookshelf and study table from 图书馆 North, 2nd floor.

Bookshelf and study table from 图书馆 North, 2nd floor.


2.	图书馆 North 1st floor computer workstations.

图书馆 North 1st floor computer workstations.


Bookshelf and study table from 图书馆 North, 2nd floor.

大学图书馆 Skybridge


Outside welcome sign on 图书馆 South

Concrete seating area outside 图书馆 North


Bookshelf and study table from 图书馆 North, 2nd floor.

American Museum of Natural History section on 图书馆 South, 3rd floor


Outside welcome sign on 图书馆 South

Main service area on 图书馆 North, 1st floor


Outside welcome sign on 图书馆 South

Outside welcome sign on 图书馆 South


1960s card catalog, housed in 特殊的集合 & 档案

1960s card catalog, housed in 特殊的集合 & 档案


Selections from John K. Pollard Children's Book Collection, donated in 1967 and comprised of works from authors of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Selections from John K. Pollard Children's Book Collection, donated in 1967 and comprised of works from authors of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


1898 edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica, housed in the rare books section of 特殊的集合 & 档案

1898 edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica, housed in the rare books section of 特殊的集合 & 档案


Outdoor view of 图书馆 North

Outdoor view of 图书馆 North


Outdoor view of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 大学图书馆 and Skybridge

Outdoor view of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 大学图书馆 and Skybridge


A selection of rare books house in 特殊的集合 & 档案

A selection of rare books house in 特殊的集合 & 档案


The 特殊的集合 & 档案 Reading Room, 图书馆 South 2nd Floor

The 特殊的集合 & 档案 Reading Room, 图书馆 South 2nd Floor

特殊的集合 & 档案

Pictures of Our Past Collection

The collection includes over 30,000 photographic prints from 1879-2006. The photographs portray important events in 加州大学洛杉矶分校’s history as well as general university life.

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加州大学洛杉矶分校 Sign, 1964

Installing the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 sign on the 10 freeway, 1964


加州大学洛杉矶分校 after the erection of Salazar Hall and Simpson Tower

加州大学洛杉矶分校 after the construction of Salazar Hall and Simpson Tower, late 1970s



约翰F. Kennedy Memorial 图书馆, early 1970s


加州大学洛杉矶分校 after the construction of Salazar Hall and Simpson Tower, the naming of which was highly contentious ca. 1968

加州大学洛杉矶分校 after the construction of Salazar Hall and Simpson Tower, the naming of which was highly contentious ca. 1968


The East Los Angeles Archive is comprised of collections that document the lives and events of a historical community central to the social, 政治, and cultural history of the Chicana(o)/Latina(o) community in the United States.

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A selection of pins from the Gloria Arellanes Papers

A selection of pins from the Gloria Arellanes Papers, 1960年代末


Poster from the Jose Figueroa Papers created by Self 帮助 Graphics, 1979

Poster from the Jose Figueroa Papers created by Self 帮助 Graphics, 1979


MECHA Poster from the Jose Figueroa Papers

MECHA Poster from the Gloria Arellanes Papers, 1960年代末


Brown Berets peacefully march through the streets

Brown Berets peacefully march through the streets, photograph from the Gloria Arellanes Papers, 1960年代末

Compton Communicative Arts Academy Collection

The Compton Communicative Arts Academy (CCAA) collection is composed of images that document African American art and culture, community-based art-making, and art-based community making in Los Angeles during the early 1970s.

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Elliott Pinkney mural on the side of a building depicting working men, stars and stripes

Elliott Pinkney mural depicting working men, stars and stripes, early 1970s


Painting of three African American women

Elliott Pinkney mural of three African American women dancing, early 1970s


Elliott Pinkney mural on the side of a building depicting multicultural theme

Elliott Pinkney multicultural mural, early 1970s


Elliott Pinkney Mural: Ignorance and Poverty

Elliott Pinkney "Ignorance and Poverty" mural, early 1970s

Mesoamerican Colonial Mexico Rare Book Collection

The Mesoamerica and Colonial Mexico Rare Book Collection consists of facsimile editions of Pre-Columbian Codices, 比如波吉亚, Nuttall, Fejervary-Mayer, 梵蒂冈A和B, 塞尔登, Borbonicus, Boturini, 门多萨, 德拉克鲁兹-巴迪亚诺, and Florentine Codex.

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Documents and drawings of the British artist and explorer Adela Breton during her visits to Chichen ltza in 1903-1904.

Documents and drawings of the British artist and explorer Adela Breton during her visits to Chichen ltza in 1903-1904. 


From Codex Fejervary-Maryer, 1901

From Codex Fejervary-Maryer, 1901


From The First Delineation of the New World and the first use of the name America on a printed map; an analytical comparison of three maps, 1928

A map from The First Delineation of the New World and The First Use of the Name America on a 打印ed Map, 1928


Restoration of the Xochicalco Monument from Monumentos del Arte Mexicano Antiguo, 1890

Restoration of the Xochicalco Monument from Monumentos del Arte Mexicano Antiguo, 1890